We’re Partnering Up With bRing.finance!

Staking $IBY tokens and getting rewards in 3 to 6 different ones is now possible via bRing — a centralized cross-chain platform enabling you to generate multiple tokens’ yield from only one token!

2 min readAug 18, 2021
bRing.Finance x iBetYou partnership announcement

bRing enables multiple tokens’ farming via staking of a single coin. By utilizing a gradual, cumulative reward system, our dear partners will make the $IBY token staking as rewarding as ever!

Single pool staking is too saturated these days, so our dear partners bRing.finance came up with a tool offering you an expansion in yield rewards, making a disruption in the current market.

bRing platform’s mechanism encourages gradual and accumulative rewards distribution. The longer the staking period lasts, the more significant accumulative rewards will be.

It is worth mentioning that the $IBY staking program doesn’t go live straight away, but will be put to work in the upcoming weeks. We will make sure to acknowledge any bit of news down the line.

We will make sure to post a step-by-step tutorial on how to stake $IBY to get your $IBY and bRing game going ASAP!

We’re thrilled to give you an opportunity to yield such high rewards by staking $IBY with bRing. Everybody wins!

About bRing.Finance:

bRing is a decentralized cross-chain platform, enabling the multiple tokens’ farming via staking of a single coin. With a gradual and cumulative reward system, bRing encourages users to stay longer on the platform. The longer the staking period, the more significant your accumulated rewards are.

🌎Website: bring.finance/
🐦Twitter: twitter.com/BringFinance
📢 Telegram community group: t.me/bRing_community
🔔 Telegram channel: t.me/bRing_channel
📚 Medium: bringfinance.medium.com/

About iBetYou:

IBY is a permissionless blockchain protocol that allows you to bet any amount of tokens with anyone on anything. It uses the basic principles of betting and kicks it up a notch with crypto wizardry. iBetYou has recently received grants from AAVE, Polygon, Moonbeam and Near protocol.

🌎 Website: ibetyou.xyz
🐦Twitter: twitter.com/ibetyouxyz
📢 Telegram group: t.me/IBYXYZ
🔔 Telegram announcements: t.me/IBYAnnouncement
Telegram marketing: t.me/IBYBeyound
📚 Medium: medium.com/@ibetyouxyz




Bet any amount with anyone on anything. No limits, no rules, just your imagination.Wrap a bet into a token and enter the exciting world of Decentralized Finance